Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Yet another book!

I am going to say that Bush is not my favorite President but I also do not believe that he is the worst. Now that said, on with my thought.

It amazes me how many "former" aides to the President have seized on the current hate Bush market to make some money. Everyone that has ever worked in the Bush White House is either on a speaking circuit or selling a book about how they knew better.

Now, the former Press Secretary is writing a book in which he blames push for the Scooter Libby issue.

Former Aide Blames Bush for Leak Deceit

I am not sure if any of this information that all of the former aides is releasing is true or not. I would really question motives when each one of them is set to make a pretty decent amount of money for selling the books or giving the speeches.

Also, what ever happened to the stateman's honor and dignity where former aides and politicians showed each other respect? It has become a complete free for all. Unfortunately, I don't see it getting better any time soon.

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