Monday, November 19, 2007

So many experts

Why is it that every one who leaves the White House immediately has to go on a speaking circuit and disagree with the current policies?

I was just reading Colin Powell's statements about not attacking Iran. He said that Iran is a long way from a nuclear weapon and that the U.S. doesn't have the support to attack Iran.

Powell: Iran far from nuclear weapon

While I respect Mr. Powell's opinion, doesn't it seem convienent that after a few years of being out of office now he has the answers? The media believed he didn't know anything when the Iraq conflict came up. Now after he hasn't had access to current intelligence, we are going to publish how much he knows.

Or could it be that he is being published because he has an opposing view? Or could it be he has an opposing view because they will publish it? Running for VP?

I think it is definitely open to speculation.

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