Friday, November 16, 2007

Ron Paul

I will start off by saying that I like about 60%-70% of what Ron Paul stands for. The other 30-40% would keep me from voting for him. Ron Paul is definitely more Libertarian than he is a Republican. As I stated in an earlier post about Libertarians, I like many of their concepts in principle. He definitely believes in the Libertarian ideals of small government and very little interference in our lives.

My main point of this article is that I really don't believe that he will win the nomination for the Republican party. That being said, don't the Republicans have to open their eyes a little bit when someone with Ron Paul's values has generated the kind of money he has and the buzz that he has created? Isn't it time for the Republicans to realize that most of their base doesn't want larger government every time they turn around?

As long as the Republicans continue to move to the Left I believe that more and more of the base is going to become disgruntled and question the party. I think that if Guiliani wins the primaries it going to cause some serious issues in the Republican party because for many I think it will be the just another indicator of the parties shift to the Left and the loss of it's values.

I hope that the party starts to realize that Ron Paul is gaining support because of his stances on smaller government and less intrusion not on the other 30%.

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