Tuesday, November 20, 2007

They admitted it!!

I was amazed when I recently read an article about the U.N. announcing that they have drastically overestimated the number of AIDS cases in the world. They cut the number by 40%!!!

Anyway that's not what amazed me. What did amaze me was two statements that were made in the article with very little emphasis.

1. "Having millions fewer people with a lethal contagious disease is good news. Some researchers, however, contend that persistent overestimates in the widely quoted U.N. reports have long skewed funding decisions and obscured potential lessons about how to slow the spread of HIV. Critics have also said that U.N. officials overstated the extent of the epidemic to help gather political and financial support for combating AIDS."

2. "There was a tendency toward alarmism, and that fit perhaps a certain fundraising agenda," said Helen Epstein

Both statements amazed me because they are so true. The U.N. has really only been concerned about fundraising not about actually solving the problem. This is the very nature of government.

There are so many "crisises" in the world that follow this same approach. First, the "scientists" yell that the sky is falling. They ask for funding to research the problem. They ask for funding to find the solution. When the funding and interest dwindle, they either yell that it is much worse than orignally thought or they find something else to yell about (i.e. get money for) .

Global Warming, AIDS crisis, world hunger, endangered species, avian flu, SARS, etc. Not that any of these items don't have a seed of truth but everyone is blown out of proportion in order to gain funding without doing the necessary research.

To best understand the issue... Follow the money!

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