Saturday, March 01, 2008

Strange Views

I was just listening to the radio and the old song "War" by Edwin Starr was on. The lyrics are very sad in my opinion but I think that tie into today's politics.

"War, huh, yeah... What is it good for....Absolutely nothing"

Absolutely nothing? Interesting viewpoint. I am glad that the founding fathers of the United States didn't believe that. I bet that the French are glad that we didn't believe that during the 1940's. I would bet that the people of Kuwait are glad that we don't believe that.

Now, are wars good? The answer is yes and no. That is because although they cause destruction they are also necessary to deal with problems. When humans are no longer evil then I believe that wars will no longer be necessary until then it is a necessary part of the human existance.

Unfortunately, I hear a lot of politicians singing the same lyrics in their speeches. That to me is very scary. A country who believes that war is not good for anything is going to a punching bag.

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