Monday, April 07, 2008

The First Decent Presidental Campaign News in Months: Rice for VP

Well, who knows if it will happen or not but I must say it would be welcome news to me. Condi may actually be thinking about the VP spot with McCain. This would actually give the ticket a more conservative credential and a few battling points against the second coming of Obama.

I have a huge amount of respect for Condi and I hope that McCain and Condi get together and consider how much stronger the ticket will be if they can work together.

Here's hoping.

Dan Senor: Condoleezza Rice Is Pursuing the VP Spot

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Left wings talking heads

I find it amazing that the biggest talking heads on the Left's talk radio circuit have been Stuart Smalley, I mean Al Franken, and Randi Rhodes.

Franken is a comedian whose "fame" is from Saturday Night Live. He had a few parts that were somewhat funny but does that make him a political pundit or Senator?!?!

Then you have Rhodes. A potty mouthed comedian that got on the radio by being a shock jock.

Air America Host Suspended for Clinton Remarks

Pretty impressive names!! Nice work Air America.