Monday, May 08, 2006

Taxation by U.N.

I have read about it before and I see that they are not changing their tune. The U.N. is again pushing the idea of taxation by the "world government". Of course with the frivolous and unregulated spending that they have going on they are running out of funds. That on top of the fact that they can no longer make money on the "Oil For Food" program. So they think that they should be able to tax global citizens without going through the sovereign countries that are their members.

Article: UN Taxation of Americans – A Persistent Problem

I must say that I think that it is ridiculous for us to even allow the U.N. to consider this idea to take away sovereignty from us. Also, I think that the U.N. has done a great job of proving that they are not in need of more money but more oversight. For me personally I would rather see the U.S. pull out of the U.N. (not a completely bad idea) than to allow the U.N. to bypass the federal government to directly tax citizens (terrible idea).
Remember no U.N. officials are elected by public election. Many countries that are members are cruel oppressive dictators

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