Wednesday, June 11, 2008

One Trick Pony

This is where I get so frustrated with the Republican party. In discussing oil prices, their main focus is on drilling more oil. This is a longer term solution. While not a bad idea I think it is time that they stop being so damn bull headed about exploring alternative energies. I agree with removing the regulations on drilling in certain areas as a stop gap until we can get some other options in place but they also need to realize that oil is the past and present but not the future.,2933,365627,00.html

They just further make themselves look like one trick ponies in energy policy and look like they are in the pockets of oil companies. I am not saying that I believe that is completely true but it sure makes it hard to argue otherwise when they act like this.

Here's a crazy concept stop interfering and thinking that you have any control. Or... worse screwing things up like the Corn Ethanol subsidies and let the free market dictate where to head. The market is more efficient at finding solutions that bureaucracy is.

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