Wednesday, June 11, 2008

One Trick Pony

This is where I get so frustrated with the Republican party. In discussing oil prices, their main focus is on drilling more oil. This is a longer term solution. While not a bad idea I think it is time that they stop being so damn bull headed about exploring alternative energies. I agree with removing the regulations on drilling in certain areas as a stop gap until we can get some other options in place but they also need to realize that oil is the past and present but not the future.,2933,365627,00.html

They just further make themselves look like one trick ponies in energy policy and look like they are in the pockets of oil companies. I am not saying that I believe that is completely true but it sure makes it hard to argue otherwise when they act like this.

Here's a crazy concept stop interfering and thinking that you have any control. Or... worse screwing things up like the Corn Ethanol subsidies and let the free market dictate where to head. The market is more efficient at finding solutions that bureaucracy is.

Mass Transit Ridership Surprise

For some reason it appears to surprise some people that mass transit ridership numbers have increased as gas prices have increased. That seems like a bit of a no-brainer. In a market where fuel is cheap everyone wants their freedom. When fuel costs are higher, they are willing to deal with less freedom and will ride mass transit. Just FYI - Most people do not really do anything to "Save the Planet". It usually revolves around how does it directly effect them and there pocketbook.

Mass transit will be widely accepted and ridden in two scenarios: heavy traffic and high fuel prices. If you have either one or both mass transit becomes and option that people will consider.

Now that said the article that I linked to also describes how people are having problems with mass transit. To me this is a two-fold problem: government is notoriously pathetic at maintaining, managing and running ANYTHING. Too many examples to name. Second, this is a perfect time and reason to find a way to raise taxes for mass transit. While there is demand voters will be accepting of tax increases to pay to fix the transit systems that they are now actually riding.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Typical Politics with old policy

We are in an election year where the Democrat is claiming that he will change everything yet what is the solution the Democrats have for the oil issue: Windfall Profits Tax.,2933,364846,00.html

This is a policy that the infamous President Peanut Jimmy Carter already tried with disasterous results. At that time, gas prices were rising and the geniuses in Washington decided on Windfall Profits Tax and price caps. Guess what happened? No surprise to anyone who understands economics, companies started producing less fuel. Then what happened, fuel shortages. Carter's ingenius response? Fuel rationing. So you could only get a certain amount of fuel each week. Does this sound the future you want?

Also, how does the government getting money from oil company solve the problem that I am paying too much for gas?? This seems like faulty logic unless you are politician with a great idea as to how to spend it. They are currently saying for alternative fuels (lookup what happened to the tobacco settlement money that was supposed to be spent on education and smoking programs). Typical politicians with the same old tricks.

Now that said, the Republicans have absolutely NO idea how to work on the problem. They are just spinning in circles with really no decent ideas.

Facts are facts politicians don't understand the market. If they would stay out of it and stop trying to regulate and tax everything the solution would very quickly arise. This is how the free market works, where there is demand (read money) there will be someone to sell a solution.

Typical politicians- same tricks. The problem is that many are still falling for it.