To start here are a summary points of my political beliefs:
- Government is bureaucratic so it doesn't really do anything efficiently
- Smaller federal government is better from a financial, economic, and personal perspective
- The Federal Government should not interfere in business with some basic exceptions of OSHA, very small portions of EPA, EEOC. Basically enough that we don't have children working in coal mines or people working in life threatening situations unless they are duly informed. But there should not be corporate welfare. If companies can't make on their merits they should not exist
- States rights should outweigh federal rights (As the constitution intended)
- States should be allowed to govern as they see fit with only exceptions as to where the constitution SPECIFICALLY defines federal jurisdiction. This does not include education, roads, health care, retirement accounts, income tax, etc., etc., etc.
- Taxes should be fair for the entire population. Just because people make more does not mean they should pay a higher percentage. Just by paying the same percentage the rich pay more. We should also remove the loopholes such as mortgage tax credits, earned income credits, etc.
- The tax code should not be the largest document in world history!!!
- Competition should be allowed to reign in most markets. This would allow for better schools, cheaper gasoline, more efficient airlines, no tax subsidies for phony rail companies, etc.
- Saving should be encouraged by removing the tax burdens and removing stupid class warfare tactics from investment accounts. Instead of saving the broken social security program encourage and train people how to do it themselves.
- France and Germany are NOT global superpowers and we should not use them as role models to create a welfare state
- The United Nations was designed as a place to discuss issues with other countries not as a government body. Reform it or remove it.
- War is never pretty and should always be a last resort but is sometimes required. Fight to win.
- War is best left to the military and not politicians.
- As Teddy Roosevelt said: "Speak softly and carry a big stick". We need to have the biggest heaviest stick that we can possibly create. We also need to learn how to speak softly.
I have many other opinions but I think this starts the discussion. I am going to try to explore a few of the major parties and why I don't think that they fit the bill. If you have ideas I am open.
Technorati Tags: Party Politics, Political Parties, Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians
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