Thursday, March 16, 2006

Ridiculous Airline Industry

I can not believe how the airline industry is nickel and diming people to death. Well, let me rephrase... how the old line airline industry is nickel and diming people to death. First, it was pay for snacks now pay for decent seats in COACH!!

Revenue-hungry airline adds $15 fee for premium coach seats

The article also says: "Trippler predicted other charges will be forthcoming later this year from airlines, including a $1 or $2 charge for sodas and juice."

It has turned into a ridiculous situation where the consumer is paying for poor management and poor business structure. In my opinion, in the long run the market will win out. This will probably mean very dark days ahead for these airlines (unless of course the government short circuits the market and bails them out once again).

All of this as Southwest continues to rake in profits without all of the nickel and dime B.S. Isn't it possible for the old-line carriers to see how Southwest is beating them? They are trying a business model that caters to the customer. What a revolutionary concept!

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