Friday, October 05, 2007

Your Presidential Candidate?

Want to find out who your Presidential Candidate should be? Try this quiz.

One-sided Freedom of Speech for the Boss

I haven't posted in some time but the stupidity I just read gave me a great reason. Here are a a couple of excerpts from the news report about poor Bruce Springsteen (from Drudge Report).

"When reminded that his anti-war views, prominent on his new album, "Magic," will cause people to say he is unpatriotic -- as his critic have charged before -- Springsteen says "That's just the language of the day... the modus operandi for anybody who doesn't like somebody... criticizing where we've been or where we're going," he tells Pelley. "I believe every citizen has a stake in the course, direction of their country. That's why we vote... It's unpatriotic at any given moment to sit back and let things pass that are damaging to some place that you love so dearly and that has given me so much," says the 58-year-old musician. In the interview, Springsteen points out the direction in which the U.S. is going, by his estimation. "I think we've seen things happen over the past six years that I don't think anybody ever thought they'd ever see in the United States," says Springsteen. "When people think of the Unites States' identity, they don't think of torture. They don't think of illegal wiretapping. They don't think of voter suppression," he tells Pelley. "They don't think of no habeas corpus," he says, referring to the people being held by the U.S. government in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. "Those are things that are anti-American," Springsteen says. "There's been a whole series of things that... I never thought I'd ever see in America," he tells Pelley."

Okay two issues I have with this political genius's comments. First of all you have the freedom of speech to say whatever you want on your albums. I completely support your right to bash everything that is going on in the U.S. I even support people's right to bash Bush, the Iraq war, and yes even the soldiers (even though that proves how stupid they are). Those soldiers and many before them have fought, shed blood, and died for your right to be stupid. My problem is that you complain when people call you unpatriotic. Isn't that just freedom of speech? It just happens to be speech you don't like. Amazingly freedom of speech goes both ways.

Second issue, should someone who says "They don't think of no habeas corpus" really be trying to discuss habeas corpus? Do you know what habeas corpus is and who is a right granted to "Boss"? Bruce: For your information habeas corpus is granted by the Constitution. The Constitution is a document "For the people and by the people". Definition of The people: Citizens of the United States. Last I knew the people in Club Gitmo were from the Middle East. Unless something has changed the Middle East still isn't covered by the Constitution, neither is Gitmo.

I wish that people would get their facts straight and attempt to tie some actual facts to their rants.

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